Empowering Future Public Health Leaders: International Guest Lecture on Healthy Cities
Ditulis oleh : Humas FKM UAD

Professor Hung-Yee Shu provides an in-depth analysis of important tools and methodologies for addressing problems in urban environments (Foto: Humas FKM)
On July 31, 2024, the Faculty of Public Health at Universitas Ahmad Dahlan proudly hosted an international guest lecture titled “Strengthening the Capacity of Public Health Graduates to Develop and Sustain Healthy Cities.” This event took place at Amphitheatre A, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Ahmad Dahlan, and featured Distinguished Professor Hung-Yee Shu from Hungkuang University, Taiwan, as the keynote speaker. The seminar was supported by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology through the Independent Campus Competition Program (PKKM) 2024.
Targeted at undergraduate public health students, the seminar aimed to introduce them to the concept of healthy cities and underscore their importance. Professor Hung-Yee Shu provided an in-depth analysis of essential tools and methodologies for evaluating urban health, highlighting the necessity of interdisciplinary collaboration to address the multifaceted health challenges faced by urban environments.
Faizal Rangkuti, the chair of the seminar, highlighted the significant outcomes of the event. Students gained an improved understanding of the significance and concept of healthy cities. They recognized the critical role of collaboration across various disciplines in enhancing urban health. Moreover, the seminar inspired the development of innovative concepts and strategies to tackle the unique health challenges faced by urban areas.
This event marks a pivotal step in empowering future public health professionals with the knowledge and skills required to contribute to the development and sustainability of healthy cities. The Faculty of Public Health at Universitas Ahmad Dahlan continues to lead in public health education and research, preparing graduates to make impactful contributions to public health policies and practices.
For further information, please contact:
Public Relations Office
Faculty of Public Health
Universitas Ahmad Dahlan
Phone: +62 274 563515
Email: publichealth@uad.ac.id