The Role of Physical Activity and Mental Health Among Public Health Students to Develop Health City
Ditulis oleh : Humas FKM UAD

Prof. Dr. Ahmad Taufik Jamil from Universiti Teknologi MARA, Malaysia. Dr. Jamil shared valuable insights on the role of physical activity in improving mental health among public health students (Foto : Humas FKM UAD)
Yogyakarta, July 30, 2024 – The Faculty of Public health Universitas Ahmad Dahlan successfully hosted an international guest lecture on Tuesday, July 29, 2024 in Amphitheatre A room Faculty of Medicine building in 7th floor. The seminar, themed “Strengthening the Role of Public Health Students to Develop and Sustain Healthy City Concept in Indonesia,” aimed to enhance the knowledge of students about the critical importance of physical activity in the development of healthy cities.
The keynote lecture was delivered by Associate Prof. Dr. Ahmad Taufik Jamil from Universiti Teknologi MARA, Malaysia. Dr. Jamil shared valuable insights on the role of physical activity in improving mental health among public health students. His presentation highlighted the interconnectedness of physical wellness and mental health, emphasizing how an active lifestyle is essential for public health professionals who are tasked with creating and maintaining healthy urban environments.
The seminar was attended by lecturers and undergraduate students from the Public Health program at Universitas Ahmad Dahlan. It provided a platform for participants to engage with current research and practical strategies to promote physical activity and mental health as foundational elements of a healthy city. The Faculty of public health is proud to facilitate such important dialogues and looks forward to future initiatives that continue to build the capacity of public health students and also we dedicated to advancing public health education and contributing to the development of sustainable, healthy cities across Indonesia, said Ahmad Faizal Rangkuti as the chairman of the seminar.
This significant academic event was supported by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology through the Independence Campus Competition Program (PK-KM) 2024. The program’s support underscores its commitment to fostering academic excellence and innovative approaches to public health education in Indonesia.
The Faculty of Medicine is proud to facilitate such important dialogues and looks forward to future initiatives that continue to build the capacity of public health students.